Sunday, May 24, 2015


Date: 05/24/15 

Einstein or Monroe?

Who do you see?

With this picture we can proove how good is your eyesight and could help you figure out if you need glasses or contacts.
  • If you are in a normal distance from the screen and have a good eyesight, you should be seeing Albert Einstein.
  •     However, if you see Marilyn Monroe, you should consider wearing glasses or contacts.
  •       If you are wearing glasses right now, take them off and the image might change.                                          
    If  changed  the distance and size of the picture, all of us can see the effect.
 If the image is farther, it is more likely to see Marilyn Monroe, because our eyes only pick up the broadest strokes of an image from the distance, but when you come closer to the image, you will start noticing the finer details of Einstein.
Try walking away from the computer and you might see the image change. It changes at a different distance to different people, because our eyes are different. The farther away you can stand and still see Einstein, the better your eyesight is.

How and why does this happen?

This is an example of a HYBRID IMAGE, a low spatial frequency of a picture (Monroe) is combined with a high spatial frequency of a picture (Einstein).
Depending on how you focus or pick up contrast your eye will only pickup certain details. If we are close to the image we can pick up fine details like Eintein´s wrinkles and mustache, but if the distance is increased or your vision is poor the image becomes blurry, and your ability to pick up details goes away. So you only see the shape of the mouth,nose, and hair, making it look like Monroe.   

Why did this article interest me?

This article interested me, because the fact that only a simple image can determine whether your eyesight is good or bad is amazing. Also, it is very interesting how we can see different things and how the image can change at a certain distance. I think that this is a very interesting topic.
 Global Contexts
This article corresponds to the global context of IDENTITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS,  because it is related with our identities and what it means to be a human. This context identifies us physically and mentally, as well as this article does.

Fun Fact

Here is a fun fact about Marilyn Monroe and Albert Einstein:


Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Science of COLOR ILLUSIONS #TheDress

Date: 4/26/15

         The internet has been debating since the last two months about the color of this dress. Three quarters of the people in a poll say that the dress is gold and white, but a minority say that the dress is black and blue. Some people claimed that they saw it changing color (sometimes gold and white, and sometimes blue and black).
      This article interests me, because it is astonishing how it drastically changes into such different colors. I think that it is extremely impressive how our brain interprets things differently. We have all been wondering about how this changes occur.
       Color Illusions are images that trick the human eye, because of the surrounding colors that lead to incorrect interpretation of the color. 
      Also, the way each one of us interprets light might lead to the incorrect interpretation of color.
     Here are some examples of color illusions:
     Don`t let your eyes trick you :()
  1. The color of the surface of A and B is the same. The way that the light hits surface B makes it look brighter, but if you cover with your finger the place where both meet,  

    you´ll see the same color, because you are covering the light that tricks you.
2. In this color cube, believe it or not, the pieces A, B, and C are the same color, but all the colors, the shadow, and the light affect the image, making them look as if they were different.
3. In the chess sets both are of the same color, but what makes them look different is the background.
4. Both are the same color, but the light and the shadow makes them look different.

The contexts and surroundings influence our perception of the color. Since we are so close to the dress, we cant see the surroundings,because of this, the brain makes its own perception.

  • Team White and Gold! If people interpret the dress in a place lit natural blue light or daylight, near a window with a clear blue sky, will see it gold and white. This happens, because the brain tries to remove the blue, because it is interpreted as a possible shadow.
  • Team Black and Blue! If people interpret the dress in a place lit up by an artificial light (maybe yellow light) the brain will interpret the gold as a reflection of the black and the blue wont be affected.
      Anyway it is also a personal perception and depends also where you see the image. Maybe in a different screen you may see another total different color than in the one you are used to see it.

Comment the color you see!